What Lisa said, in spades! And I'm sorry but I can't help noticing you ended two statements with the word "period" -and it tickled my funny bone. Periods are sometimes less then the blessing they are supposed to be - could they be part of the problem??? But seriously (or has that ship sailed?) SERIOUSLY you were there for me so let me hold out a virtual hand now for you. Go learn Turkish. Volunteer some where. Start a home for stray cats - oh wait, you've already done that... I don't think we can be fixed. I believe we're in it for the long haul. But as long as you can write, it's a start. and thank you for your honesty. Now get up off the floor and read some of these comments PLEASE. And on a purly selfish note, my world would be a colder darker place without you in it - even if you are hakf-way across the world