Ahh, fear of finding what’s in those dark places we don’t like to look at. But your version of the tale need not be horrific or horrifying — maybe she escapes into her head, thwarting her jailer — or she dies and goes to a lovely place… lots of non-horrifying possibilities — your call…
I had thought to do it as a ghost story — while she’s in the cell, she keeps having visions of a beautiful place. She thinks they’re dreams. One day, the door just swings open and she realizes she’s dead — has been dead all along, but afraid to leave (like C.S. Lewis’ dwarves LOL) . Visions of happy place grow stronger. She visits the graveyard and sees her hubby, wants to stay (touching love scene) but the beautiful place finally calls her away and she walks into the light or whatever she does 😃
But then I thought — “Nah, what the hell, it’s Halloween,” and went for the scary stuff.